Saturday, January 1, 2011

Planting The Idea

At some point, the holiday season changed for me from being mostly about receiving and became more about giving. When I was little it was all about quantity - the more gifts, the better. When I was in my teenage years, it was all about the quality - the more expensive/desired the gift, the better. Then, there was a point, during my young adulthood, when I no longer cared as much about receiving. I wanted to give.

As I approached this current season of giving, I found myself not wanting to continue buying, literally, into our culture's consumerist mentality of what a gift is. My growing minimalist sensibilities led me to a different offering to my family and friends - I would either make something for them, recycle something from my life/home for them, or donate to a non-profit in their name. Interestingly, everyone opted for something made.

April 2010 - Lands End, SF
Me and mom with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background

For me, the beauty of a made gift is that it's formed with thought and intention. It's crafted with one's own mind and hands. It takes time. It takes effort. I feel like the creation and construction process imbues the gift with more meaning for both the giver and the receiver. As I contemplated what I would make for each of the people on my list, I found that with each person my mind went in different directions. For Jacob, my brother, something that would make him laugh. For Krista, my sister, something homey and useful. For you, my mother, something to connect across the distance.

April 2010 - Ocean Beach, SF
Smiling as mom sees the Pacific Ocean up close for the first time

As we live over 2,000 miles apart, we cannot be with each other as often we might be inclined. Not being phone people, we talk usually every two or three months. We have been fortunate to have seen each other three times in 2010. Twice in 2009. Emails here and there, but nothing consistent. So I asked myself, what would it be like to create a space where we could carry on a conversation over time and distance? What would emerge? And what if we included in that space an intention to share that experience, that conversation, beyond ourselves?

April 2010 - Lands End, SF
Me, on the top of the hill, looking out at the ocean while mom walks the labyrinth at Lands End

Therein was the seed - the idea - that I offered as my gift. An idea that we will plant here in this virtual blog space. That we have agreed to nurture and develop over the course of this year,2011. That we will then take, shape and manifest into a physical book to share with each other and our loved ones. Who knows how it will grow. Where it will flourish. What unexpected twists and turns it will take. I am full of anticipation and excitement. As always, the journey is as important as the beginning and end.


  1. So beautiful! Lauren, I just love this!

    XO, Kitti C.

    P.S. I am one of your dad's twin friends from highschool

  2. Re: Joni and Kitti

    I'm glad that my words/gift had such an impact on you. I hope you continue to read/respond as mom and I embark on this year long journey together. Positive feedback and constructive dialogue are always welcome!

  3. Wow! What a creative and meaningful gift! What great writers you both are. This will be a true dance of the spirit in words. I'm moved emotionally by the whole concept and connection you both seem to have with each other.

  4. I am a newcomer to your blog, thanks to your Mom. I love this idea and space that you have created for you and your mother. I look forward to going through the archives and reading about your year thus far.
    Have a blessed day,
