Monday, May 16, 2011


Here are my answers to James Lipton's questionnaire.  Martin asked me the questions and we recorded them so that I could transcribe it for later.  I tried to keep in my pauses and stutters.  I did add a note to explain my first answer.

What is your favorite word?

  • Oubliette, it's a place you put things to forget about them. (homage to Labyrinth)

What is your least favorite word?

  • (pause) I don't know.

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

  • Um, true stories, like honest personal stories from people's lives, um, turns me on.

What turns you off?

  • The opposite, lies and deceit, things that aren't honest or don't reflect some aspect of, of life.

What sound or noise do you love?

  • Cats purring.

What sound or noise do you hate?

  • The sound of cars crashing into one another.

What is your favorite curse word?

  • Uh... I don't know if it's my favorite but I use it a lot, which would be "son of a bitch."

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

  • I would like to be a writer.

What profession would you not like to do?

  • Umm, bull rider, seems pretty dangerous.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  • Uh, yeah it's all a bunch of bullshit.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


This posting is one I thought might be interesting (at least to Lauryn and me). I used to be an avid watcher of Inside the Actors Studio and always found the ending questionnaire entertaining. So I am posting my answers to the questionnaire, to be followed by Lauryn's posting of hers.
Terry asked the questions and wrote down my answers

What is your favorite word? I don't know....silence.

What is your least favorite word? Control

What turns you on creatively,spiritually or emotionally? Feeling connected with other people, (pause) community.

What turns you off ? Self-righteousness, especially my own.

What sound or noise do you love? The low sigh of relaxation.

What sound or noise do you hate? Traffic.

What is your favorite curse word? homage to Battlestar Galactica.

What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? Circus performer...just kidding.(pause) I guess a healer, more energy fields or emotional healing. Not a doctor.

What profession would you not like to do? Politician or lawyer.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say, when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? You figured it out. TA DA!

So those are my answers to the 10 questions. You are up next Lauryn!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mothering Rant

As the day wanes, on this Mother's Day, excuse my spur of the moment, heart driven, rant about mothering. It is at best a job filled with joy and discovery. Seeing your children grow, develop and learn new things give many moments of  satisfaction. Of late I have conversations with my grown children, hearing values and lessons they have learned by example. Oh, it is true what "they" say, actions speak louder than words. Children learn what they live. I can only hope they glean the best I had to offer and forgive the rest.
Krista and Lauryn in younger days
Baby Jacob

All three of my children are adults now and beginning separate lives with loved ones or in communities of peers. Out of the nest so to speak. I miss them and look forward to calls and visits. I do my best to keep judgement out of the mix, but it is difficult to stop the parent child dynamic and relate as friends...equals. I like to believe my life experience has some value, and in the form of guidance or counsel, it is freely given and may be accpeted or rejected without loss of love. Unconditional love. I think I experience that with my parents. Both of my parents are still living and are on their own still, but I can see a time when they will need help and I want to be able to give back that unconditional love I grew to depend on as I matured. Mothering is a delicate job, being supportive and caring while allowing room for independence.
My mother-in-love, Dorothy Menard
My mother, Evelyn, and me

I am fortunate to have had two mothers in my life. My own dear birth mother and my mother-in-love, Dorothy Menard, who was a dear friend. My mother who is always there to support me and continues to be important in my life. And Dorothy, who always made me feel as if I were her own daughter, not simply her daughter-in-law. What I remember most about her is she let love lead the way in her life. It was as if the more she freely expressed who she was, she blessed others and had those blessings flow back to her. She gently mothered her brood, giving all, her unconditional love. Dorothy is lovingly remembered on this day as is my mother, Evelyn.

So what is my motherly counsel on this day?

  •  Live authentically. Be happy for no reason.

  • Stop finding fault, as no person or event determines the shape of your life unless you allow it. Don't give away your power by seeing yourself as a victim.

  • Simplify. Clear the clutter in your life. Make room for openings and surround yourself with uplifting people.

  • Be selfish. Translation; selfishness is really about being yourself so fully that you are able to share yourself fully with others.

  • Integrate and heal. Let go of guilt, pain, anger or unworthiness. Know you are enough.

  • Cultivate compassion. Expand your world and see the oneness of all life.

  • Surrender and "hand over the keys" so to speak and allow spirit within you, the intelligent, powerful creative being you truly are guide you, knowing where ever you are in this moment is perfect. 

Allow your heart to speak. Happy Mother's Day.