Monday, April 4, 2011

Graceful organic change, well maybe, okay yes!

My gardening hat

Azaleas from my yard
 Two salamanders showed up in my life this weekend. Recently Saturday mornings are about getting up early and the half hour drive to the community garden site I helped to create. I meet new people or work beside groups of people who already know one another (it's fun to eavesdrop). I am on a quest for learning about all things outdoors, after having spent a great deal of my last years working indoors. I mean I did go outdoors, but it was either very early to get to work with a very short exposure time to the actual elements, or noon to possibly eat outdoors and maybe read or meditate (but still only twenty minutes and still only maybe) or after six oclock at night for a bit of time to rest on the front porch or back deck. If you think about it, not really being outdoors at all. Since I retired from teaching, I have come to realize there are mid-morning, early afternoon, and late night outdoor explorations to consider and for much longer periods of time. Amen to the time thing. Who knew?

I think I always knew, but chose to ignore. So after working hard tilling soil for a couple of hours yesterday morning, I wandered over to another project going on at the church where a labyrinth maker (don't know what else to call him) was finishing directing a group of volunteers, who were implimenting his labyrinth design, laying the last few bricks in the pattern. He began setting up for the labyrinth blessing ritual bringing out wonderously old icons, statues, and ceremonial STUFF! My eyes just took everything in ...the serious placement of this object here and that object there. My ears listened to the buzz of comments and questions about what all this represented. Outside under clear blue sky, I felt the gentle breeze and the warmth of the sun. Finally he spoke. He spoke about energy, direction, negativity, correction, connection. He spoke about linking heaven and earth, Himalayan singing bowls, Egyptian and Native American cultural symbolism. Then he told us what he would do to activate this site and bless the labyrinth. We watched. He took his time and it was very interesting to see each phase. After he completed the ceremony, the wind picked up and completely changed direction. We were invited to walk the labyrinth and he bowled us before entering, which means he struck the Himalayan singing bowl (which is thousands of years old) in front of us and then we stepped onto the path.

My singing bowl and salamander rock I found
Now considering I did very physical labor and had a lovely time participating in a really cool labyrinth blessing ceremony, you'd think I would be done for the day. Not a chance. I drove home, ate lunch and went back outside to do more yardwork at the homestead. It was here I encountered my first salamander. There was an old,vinyl covered, pressed wood tabletop decaying under our deck. As I am sprucing up the yard for a public labyrinth blessing party for my own newly constructed stone labyrinth in the backyard, the rotten tabletop had to go. After I took off the metal strips and had decaying pressed wood pieces laying around me in various size chunks, I picked one up and thought I saw an earthworm, not an uncommon occurance. It was a salamander. So after I showed my unusual find to Terry, I found another lovely moist spot and let him go. And I continued to spend time clearing and cleaning.

Standing in my completed 7 coil classic labyrinth

Today we had the official ribbon cutting ceremony for the new organic garden at my church that I and many other dedicated individuals have been working on for the past six weeks. It was pretty much your usual cheesy, let's take pictures to remember this occasion ceremony with a prayer or two. Nice. The real fun happened after for me. We put red wigglers in all the raised garden beds and when I put a bunch in one of the beds I spied an "earthworm" again or so I thought. It was a salamander. So I'm thinking maybe it's worth checking on salamander animal symbolism just to ponder. I can't wait to get home and check it out. I stay to water all the raised beds. 

First salamander I found or did it find me?
 Two salamanders in two consecutive days. Interesting to Greek and Roman mythology salamanders live in the very heart of a fire. They are considered to be a very powerful alchemical symbol. Salamanders are associated with purity, faith, heraldry and the fire of pasion ignited in the heart of the courageous. Their symbolism speaks to igniting a creative spark. They are a solar power animal, yet are mostly active nocturnally. This duality speaks to creating balance in life. Using the best of both the day and night times or wisely balancing opportunities are ways to create it. Renewal and development. Okay, I figured it out; I am resisting change. I know I want something to happen, but it to engineer that change seems scary to me. I need it to be organic. To flow. Can I really embrace change? I want to. I believe salamander is asking me to evolve in my own life. Physically active, outdoor activity is calling to me. I choose to move in that direction. I will embrace change.


  1. Hooray! One foot in front of the other. Next thing you know you will be skipping down a pathway unexpected at this moment. : )

  2. Here's what the dream dictionary says about salamanders in dreams...

    To see a salamander in your dream, represents your ability to survive through shame, misfortune, and/or embarrassment. You will persevere through some adversity. Alternatively, the dream denotes your ability to resist temptations.

  3. Hi Sharlyn! I really enjoyed this post, there are so many elements in it that I relate to. The first being your longing to be outside, enjoying nature and all of her beauty. It is hard to know what you are missing until you truthfully find what you were looking for isn't it? :) I have always, always wanted to be outside playing in the dirt and growing things. I should have gone to school for landscaping or horticulture...LOL.

    Salamanders. How unusual to find two in as many days. I have never found one outside of a creek. I think that you are right in that the salamanders came to you to "nudge" you toward the needed change in your life. They are the Fire elemental, they stoke the flames of passion and help to tear down the old perceptions enabling you to open yourself to this new life you are living. Change is hard. You have taken that first big step by leaving the world you have known for 20 yrs. Relax, breathe in the fresh air and LIVE!

    I loved the part about the labyrinth ritual blessing...what a lovely thing to be a part of! Your labyrinth is great! That is one of the many projects on my list for here at the farm. Along with a sacred space and circle. Did you find the pattern somewhere? A friend of mine has one in her back yard and I have walked it many times. Labyrinths are peaceful and centering. Thank you for sharing yours!

    Have a blessed day! Stormfyre

  4. I so appreciate your support. Change is hard. I am opening up to spirit and the mother goddess with my labyrinth. I chose an ancient design which is also very similar to the Hopi Labyrinth. My guide has been The Complete Guide to Labyrinths by Cassandra Eason. She uses her personal experiences and includes a lot of historical and mythological references.

    I checked out your photos today and they are wonderful. I also look forward to reading more about your farm experiences. I have a friend in Georgia, who is farming and you should check out her site as it has a lot of great information. Blessings!
